
Immigration and Mediation Training and Mentorship

Immigration & Mediation Training

Every year thousands of young people enter the country from abroad due to family or political reasons. Moving to a new country at a young age is extremely challenging and emotional. It can take a long time to settle.


Not only do young people have to leave the roots they’ve put down and start again, there can be added difficulties re establishing themselves in a very alien environment. To help these people to integrate better and overcome challenges, many places provide a mentorship service. 


Immigrant youth is an umbrella term used to describe the diverse range of young people who arrive in the country from overseas. They might include first or second generation immigrants, or refugee youth. These individuals may be subject to immigration law.


The immigration laws enacted on individuals from these categories can influence their status in the country. It might affect the benefits they or their families are entitled to, as well as their integration processes. Sometimes these young people need help to navigate the new environment.


Although immigration law is there to protect and serve the needs and lifestyles of home-based citizens, they can be bureaucratic and challenging to understand and integrate. This is one reason mentorship programs and peer mentoring are so important.



Mentorship is a relationship between a young person or immigrant and an older more experienced individual or peer. The mentor operates in a non professional capacity to help the young person to navigate and integrate with their new environment.


Typically a mentor will help with activities of interest, relationships  interventions, policy (such as immigration law), and societal factors. It’s understood that a large majority of immigrant youth receive huge and lasting benefits from these mentorship programs. This is why we provide a reliable mentorship service at Motion For Justice.


It’s clear that many immigration youth encounter issues integrating into the country. There are challenges such as form filling, language barriers, relationship building, and societal prejudice. A mentoring program gives a young individual a reliable and realistic associate to help them through.



Individuals may benefit from a mentor with experience and skill in a particular area, such as employment law, but sometimes, it’s more relevant and appropriate to pair them up with a peer who has previously navigated the same condition and can offer better  more pragmatic advice.


Motion For Justice can provide disenfranchised youth with a mentor that will act as a guidance system, helping new immigrants to find their feet in a foreign country and integrate with fewer challenges than their predecessors. Peer mentors are a good way to establish trust.


There are further advantages to peer mentorship in the peer mentorship program. Often, with conventional mentorship, communication is one way. It moves from an experienced individual to a newcomer who knows nothing. With peer mentorship there is more equality in the relationship that leads to strong results.



If you want to contribute to society by becoming a professional mediator  you will first have to undergo training to develop the skills needed for high quality mediation work and to facilitate a professional all round service to clients 


Mediation training, such as the training provided through the Motion For Justice platform, gives you the communication and conflict prevention tools necessary to carry out effective mediation with adults and disaffected youth. You will receive high quality certified training from our platform to carry out this role.


The course is specially designed to train you with the ski set needed to provide effective mentorship and life coaching to young people. When you perform a mentorship role you will understand the need for the mediation training, it will be immediately relevant and appropriate to implement.



Mediation training programs differ according to institution. If you’re serious about becoming a professional mediator and mentor you will want to get certified through the ICF (International Coach Federation). In this program you will receive the best level of teaching and most highly rated qualification.


The ICF program, the one applicable to Motion For Justice, offers 10 hours of mentor training. This invaluable experience, equips you for the challenges and successes of mentoring immigrant youth. Not every mentorship training program offers such a hands on experience.


However, the mentorship program is not only about training you in the skills and processes of effectively mentoring young people, it also provides life coaching training that is invaluable to the process of integrating young people. Mentoring training, coupled with Life Coaching, provides excellent foundations for your career.